Friday, April 24, 2009

Catch Up

Wow it's been a long time since I've been on here. Alot has been happening. I'm back to normal life, and everything is going wonderfully. Just to mention a few things that I've been up to;
1. Oakbank Easter Races. It was alot of fun this year, I really enjoyed it. Great weather, great friends, great atmosphere. We got a great spot in the race centre, close to the betting area, toilets and the race track. I did put a bet on or two but did a poor job, no wins for me. I did see alot of people I havent seen in so long though; my uncle michael, the lenswood crew, and andrew and his family. Cant wait for next year!

(Liv in the background, and Me enjoying the wonderful sun in the foreground)

(Huw Heffna, Unknown Girl, Kylie and Tim)

2. Jessica and Shayne's new house. They have finally moved out of here and into their new house in Strath. I must say its great that they are gone, even though its much quieter then normal but no fighting Whoh. Their house is beautiful, very homely and warm. I actually brought them a house warming present home from America; a gorgeous hand-painted cherry tile from a little boutique in Hood River. It suits their house so well, as the theme throughout is red and black. Now they are waiting for their tank to arrive, pity it didnt come earlier to catch this great rain we are getting. They also bought a little puppy last weekend, he's so cute! His name is Chevy and he's a 9week old Border Collie. I secretly want him but shhhh.....;)

3. The Painting Adventure. I have recently painted our house (parents house,) it was a HUGE job and boy did I regret saying yes the first day. My body was so sore and the ceilings were terrible to do, however I pushed on and painted everyroom, 14 rooms big and small. The family did help a couple days, however the trainee (mum) wasnt very good! I guess she did get better by the end of her time, she could only get better! hahaha (Don't u agree mum??) Anyway the house is looking fresh and I'm loving my new bedroom colour. I really should take some photos soon, so everyone can see.
4. Friends. It was mum's 50th birthday in March, we didnt celebrate with a huge party as we wanted but we did have a great meal at the Balhannah Hotel and then another meal at Jess and Shayne's. So all and all it was still pretty good! The next birthday was Kim's (best friend) 19th birthday earlier this month, we celebrated with a wonderful dinner at the German Arms and a win on the pokies by me (only a $5 win though.) It was a good night, and I hope she enjoyed too! Today was James' (friend) 18th, Lucy and I celebrated with him over a breakfast at Tea Tree Plaza. Early morning for me! But it turned into a whole day; left home at 8:45am and didnt get home until 5pm, and I went out for BREAKFAST!!! Oh it was alot of fun though. Last time I saw those two, I hit a curb and lost a hubcap off my car and then I bruised my hand from hitting the glass light shade while playing wii. Funny time! But it's great seeing all my friends, they are alot of fun and many laughs.

As you can see below we had alot of fun out at Kim's birthday! (Kim, Kim's boyfriend, James and then Myself)

5. Work. I have a new job at the cafe in the Adelaide Hills Market in Lobethal. First days last weekend, its only weekend work but its alright for the moment. It's a good job, local and it does get busy. I'm not sure what else I'm going to do at the moment, I'm not sure if I want to be a nurse, I think I'm too creative however I have to think about that!!

Anyway I think thats all for now, I'll take some photos of the house and blog again. :)
Some useless facts:
#1 "Natal Cleft" is another word for bum crack HAHA
#2 If a walrus eats enough food, it can grow wider then its length.
#3 43million burgers are sold world wide from Maccas everyday
#4 Couples who marry in January, February and March have the highest divorce rate
#5 An average lab mouse runs 4km per night on its treadmil
HAHA oh I laugh at these stupid facts......